Solutions OLD


Every educational programme is delivered to reach the right audiences, engage them with the right medical content and measure the right insights; achieving deeper learning for healthcare professionals and better outcomes for patients.


Via our independent website, Medthority (, EPG Health, an IQVIA business, delivers targeted educational programmes for healthcare professionals (HCPs). Individually tailored for customers, our solutions adapt and scale to build audiences, knowledge, trust, loyalty and behaviour change.

We Tailor For

  • Educational objectives and messages
  • Stages of the product lifecycle
  • HCP specialty, profession, persona
  • Geographic requirements and restrictions
  • Budgetary requirements
  • Standalone or integrated solutions
  • Independent Medical Education (IME) or sponsorship models
  • Accredited or non-accredited options
  • Medical, marketing or digital-led initiatives
  • Content type and format (new and repurposed)
  • Hybrid, virtual, live and on-demand access

I like how EPG Health has provided a variety of options for content development/delivery that is tailored to our specific Learning Zone. I recently made this request and was offered a brochure of options that felt very much specific to our needs.


of customers rate EPG Health

'Excellent or very good' at providing bespoke, tailored and targeted solutions

2022 customer feedback survey

Global medical director


I’ve been collaborating with EPG Health since 2018 to support independent medical education. The high quality and timely deliverables with follow-up of activities is what makes EPG Health different to other providers. The wide coverage by region and specialty complements the solutions.

Build and sustain an audience with impact


Our standalone and integrated solutions include expert-led Learning Zones, webinars, eLearning and CME, podcasts, congress highlights, publication digests, quizzes and surveys, roundtables, videos, symposia and enduring materials.

Our flagship solution is the ‘Learning Zone’; a bespoke, self-contained and self-directed learning environment, dedicated to a specific disease, condition or treatment approach. It acts as a repository for a broad range of valuable content types and formats to support medical professionals with the information needed to make informed decisions.

Programmes adapt and scale for longer term engagement, creating personalised touchpoints, impactful journeys and re-engagement opportunities to reinforce or deliver new educational messages..

Watch a short case study video illustrating how one digital educational programme evolved over 3 years:


The Evolution of a Learning Zone Through a Product Life-cycle


    Build an audience
    Improve knowledge of disease and unmet needs
    Raise awareness of latest clinical trials and data
    Understand audience needs to steer ongoing education

    Educate HCPs around disease awareness and the unmet needs of patients

    • Compliant content delivered by our Science team and faculty
    • Audience opinion survey can provide insight to steer future content
    • Horizons Article to highlight emerging trends in the therapeutic area
    Address the educational gaps of HCPs
    Raise awareness of new treatment and guidelines
    Differentiate between treatment approaches
    Build credibility, trust and advocacy

    Build knowledge and identify knowledge gaps in the new treatment landscape

    • Guidelines summaries for new treatments or indications
    • Publication digests summarising published clinical trial results
    • Insight articles highlighting latest advances in the field
    • Expert videos with aligned quizzes
  • Post-Launch
    Build and sustain engagement
    Reinforce and consolidate awareness
    Measure immediate educational impact

    Solidify understanding of most relevant topics in the therapeutic area

    • eLearning modules or accredited CME for deep engagement
    • Congress highlights to keep users up-to-date
    • Webinars or expert videos explain practical application in clinical settings
    • Pre- and post-engagement surveys to understand impact on knowledge and behaviour
    Maintain therapeutic area relevance
    Address key patient concerns
    Measure long-term educational impact

    Incorporate latest developments, long-term data and patient experiences

    • Podcast series for discussion of relevant issues by experts and patient advocates
    • Symposia highlights for on-demand access to enduring content
    • Quizzes aligned to new content
    Highlight healthcare system benefits of therapeutics
    Reinforce important behaviours: screening, diagnosis, patient identification, prescribing, patient management
    Build loyalty through support

    Reminder of relevant therapeutic area issues, while maintaining a patient focus

    • Data for long-term effectiveness and safety
    • KOL roundtable discussions on long-term data and differential treatment
    • Case studies to support patient benefits and secondary outcomes
    • Patient materials to share in practice



  • Learning Zones

    A Learning Zone makes it easy for HCPs to consume Key Education Messages (KEMs) that form the pillars of informed patient management and treatment decisions. It acts as a repository for a broad range of valuable content types and formats. It also provides long-term education opportunities to build and sustain audience engagement and behaviour change incrementally.

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  • Congress Highlights

    Delivering the most important conference output to your audience in a digestible format, our congress highlights provide wider exposure to the latest data, abstracts, posters, trials and guidelines. Published in a convenient and on-demand format within days of the conference, they are highly valued by HCPs who can segue into related content for deeper learning.

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  • Webinars

    Supporting guidance with credibility, Medthority webinars engage HCPs with Key Educational Messages delivered by medical experts. They are optimised for a 'live' interactive experience and on-demand access beyond the live event. The enduring material, chunked into bite sized pieces, can be standalone or within a Learning Zone to provide onward content journeys for deeper learning.

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  • eLearning and CME

    Formal learning modules are designed to build and assess clinical knowledge. They each provide a standalone and immersive experience within a dedicated CME hub on Medthority. By integrating KOL videos and other education with quizzes and surveys, we can demonstrate the impact of learning. For added value, there is the option of accreditation.

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  • Podcasts

    HCPs can listen to expert-led, peer-to-peer discussion at a time that suits them, while on the go. Typically a series, Medthority podcasts expose listeners to a range of speakers and topics for a specific disease or condition. The repetition in format breeds familiarity and encourages frequency of contact with the audience, and the option of onward journeys with related topics within a Learning Zone.

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  • Quizzes, Polls and Surveys

    HCPs like to test their knowledge. Using bite-sized quizzes on Medthority, EPG Health identifies gaps in HCP knowledge, concierges them through relevant educational content and reinforces Key Educational Messages. Within a Learning Zone, insights from quizzes help to inform future content, user-journey and communication requirements.

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  • Symposia and Enduring Content

    EPG Health delivers live, virtual or hybrid symposia, accredited or not. The end-to-end service includes repurposing output into bite-sized videos to highlight key educational messages. These are published on Medthority for greater exposure beyond the event, either standalone or within a Learning Zone, and aligned to with related content.

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  • Publication Digests and Insight Articles

    EPG Health offers two types of articles; both make it easier for HCPs to stay up-to-date with key clinical information. Publication Digests deliver the key take-aways from a new paper. Insight articles inform HCPs of the latest advances and horizons in their field. They may be individual or a series, standalone or within a Learning Zone to create onward journeys.

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Outputs from our team of experts


The delivery of each educational programme is conducted by a dedicated team of experts in science, digital, communications and project management, including:

  • Briefing/scoping meetings

    define educational objectives and requirements for success

  • Desk based research

    establish HCP educational needs, behaviour and preferences

  • Faculty relationships

    Recruit and manage Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) as required

  • Content development

    Created, repurposed, optimised and sequenced

  • Reviews and approval

    With internal quality review and external MLR process as required

  • Technical build

    Publication on Medthority with on-site SEO and sign-posting

  • Audience acquisition

    Multichannel communications including, email and social

  • Analytics and Reporting

    Review of metrics and efficacy with recommendations

  • Programmes evolution

    Updates and additions to drive repeat and deeper engagement

Learn more about
how we do it.


Over two thirds of Medthority traffic is in client-funded content, with most HCPs returning to it at least once and 90% confirming it supports their treatment decisions.

Our customer programmes last on average over 3 years, with 94% rating our overall service highly.